Sunday, May 11, 2008

Having New Eyes....

The Real Voyage of Discovery Consists Not in Seeking New Landscapes But In Having New Eyes.~ Marcel Proust

I've been looking at this spot in my yard a lot lately. Mostly because it's the view I have when I'm sitting at the computer.....

Pretty, I picked up a wrought iron trellis at the springfest with the expectation that I would put it in the middle of these bushes. There was one in the center years ago, but for some reason it just didn't do very well. Now, I have "new" eyes!

Maybe, I should work on the grass, now! Not nearly as fun!!! Still not finished.....I had this sweet cherub that I've been waiting to use in the garden. But, I'm going to make him look a little vintage.....with some help from Molly;

Lil Bit could care less!

After a tea stain; my garden angel is ready! I placed him under the hydragangea that my son gave me for Mother's Day. Perfect!

Creativity is seeing something that doesn't exist already.

~ Michele Shea

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